
Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I'm giving a lecture tonight on the Presidio, the Spanish-Mexican period fort that once stood in the downtown area. I've been lucky over the last few years and have found several portions of the exterior wall and last winter the northeast tower. I've gotten good at public speaking, perhaps because I've given so many talks lately.

I was going to buy some plants this weekend but instead decided to pay bills. While I away in Michigan a few weeks ago most of my potted plants died, which kinda sucked since many of them were perennials. The two hibiscus bushes will be missed the most, since they bloomed most of the time.

Talked to my old friend Pat. I'm going to Washington DC to visit him and go to the National Archives to do research. I met Pat in 1987 and he is the best straight male friend I have. As he would say, "He's a wonderful kind of guy."

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