
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

We're lost. Don't you hate that when it happens. The roads signs in the San Rafael area are pretty poor, and twice Gavin and I (well, I was the driver) went down the wrong road. We spent about an hour traversing dirt roads. We stopped and ask Cow #43 for directions, but she told us to just "Moooo-ve on."

Redhead cow.

Finally I spotted the ranch and we drove up and had lunch on its long porch, feeding scraps to the two dogs hanging out.

Lunch with Gavin.

After completing the survey work, back we went. The scenery from San Rafael to Patagonia is pretty spectacular and largely unspoiled.

Heading towards Patagonia.

It was nice spending time with Gavin and talking about all sorts of things. I'm glad we are friends and that we got lost for an hour, just gave us more time to gossip.

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