
Friday, May 18, 2007

I came close to telling someone "Fuck off bitch." Not my style, but then the abrupt rude attitude and the repeated statement that I was distracting a worker by "shooting the shit" with them, surprised me. As it was, I wasn't distracting the worker and it's not my fault the park construction is behind schedule. It is interesting how this one interaction with a person completely, utterly taints my opinion of them. I know of only a few other instances in my life like this. Even if this person apologizes for snapping at me, I doubt I would ever consider them the same way.

Charming. Oh course this occurs the same week that I told two co-workers that they had pissed me off. Sounds tame, but if you knew me at work, you'd flinch. I'm very easy going and it takes a lot to set me off.

So subtle hint to asshats- don't fuck with me.

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