
Sunday, December 23, 2007

I was able to catch the two kittens who have been coming to my porch for food. They are now locked up in my bathroom. Little Girl is the scaredy-cat. ElliotJr sits on my lap and purrs very loudly, much louder than my three cats. In a couple of days, after they've been tamed a bit more, I'll take them to the Humane Society where they can go be someone else's kittens.

Little Girl and Elliott Jr.

My sister Elizabeth called me this morning to tell me that Uncle Fred died. He was my mother's brother, two years younger than her. I remember being at his wedding in the late 1960s (1967?) and they handed us rice to throw and I started eating it. It is funny how you remember seemingly pointless things like that. He was a very good man, funny, smart, always honest and forthright with his opinions. My two cousins had a great father and Aunt Janell a great husband.

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