
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Things I'm shunning in 2008. The Amish, which my brother is a member of, shun people who do naughty things. This is my list of things I will be shunning in 2008:

- Iraq and the rest of the fucking Middle East
- Romney, Huckabee, and Guiliani
- cookies
- anorexic/drug addled/preggers starlets
- fake bloggers with their fake drama, fake medical problems, and fake deaths
- about 20 pounds (where did that come from?)
- text messaging devices (today while eating lunch three people around me were texting instead of eating)

In contrast I will be welcoming the following:

- size 32 waist jeans
- visits to the east and west coast
- learning some new kitchen skills
- painting my kitchen
- publishing a genealogy book

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