
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I dread John McCain becoming the president. I don't have any respect for the man, he's my United States Senator and he fell off his pedastal over the last couple of years. War-mongerer, panderer, suck-up to the Bush conservatives.

The chances are very slim that Hillary Clinton can beat John McCain. He's branded as a war hero, a maverick, a straight talker. A lot of that is bullshit, but there are a lot of voters who want a war hero in a time of "war." Speaking of which, exactly who are we at war with? I thought the Iraqi government was our ally?

Hillary Clinton is branded as the wife of Bill Clinton by many, many people. Many of these people hate her. My own mother can't stand her for reasons she cannot explain.

If a Republican becomes president our country is fucked. Endless war. War with Iran. Poor people can just go fuck themselves. Gay people, especially, are fucked and not in a good way. McCain will reward his base by putting very conservative people in the Supreme Court. You can wave goodbye to whatever civil rights straight folks might throw at us gays.

So this is what I have been wondering. Do people who support Clinton honestly, realistically think she can be elected? It seems completely impossible to me.

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