
Monday, August 11, 2008

I had an excellent time in Palm Springs and hanging out with Sandy before he returns to Australia was fun and relaxing, just like a real vacation.

The ride back wasn't bad, I was ahead of schedule as I arrived in Tucson when I received two disturbing phone calls. The second one resulted in my driving to my credit union to have my ATM card cancelled. Somehow somebody got my card number and made two $500 dollar withdrawals between 11 PM last night and 2 AM this morning. Veronica at the credit union was remarkably blase about it- "Oh, you'll probably have the money back by this afternoon." The most likely scenario, someone took the number at one of two restaurants in Palm Springs, or perhaps they had done something at the gas station pump there. Who knows, I was glad the card company called me to ask if I was withdrawing that much money. I didn't even know you could.

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