
Friday, January 23, 2009

Dinner tonight was cheesey cauliflower and potato salad. It was the 10th supper I have made for Mummy and she claims to have liked every single one.


Because of the rain she has been trapped indoors, reading her mystery books that she likes to read.

Signs should be seen and not ignored.

I'm going to make a gluten-free cake tomorrow- have to find xanthum gum.

Can't read.

Because of the rain I have to catch Henny-Penny and put her in the laundry room so she can stay dry. Of course she pooped on the floor. She has become very friendly- yesterday she jumped up on my mother's lap and she has taken to watching us through the windows.

Peeping peeper.

It is a wonder how much entertainment you can get from a stray hen.

The other pictures were taken at Fort Lowell Park this afternoon.

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