
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Little Ms Hen is sitting right outside my study window, hunkered down in a bush next to a small air vent that is probably keeping her warm. I am going to buy some chicken food for her tomorrow (I've been feeding her granola and tortilla chips). She clucks loudly when she sees me. I wish I could catch her and pet her (I have always really liked chickens).

At work I sprinkle bird seed outside my window and the little red-headed house finches have appeared and that is a sign of spring. It has been unusually warm this year, and I have mosquitos in my house and there are moths and other bugs fluttering around the porch light. And my little ground squirrel has come out of hibernation at work. So I guess winter is over.

I made Spanish rice (rice, stewed tomatoes, black beans, and a little chipotle salsa) for dinner tonight. It came out very well and mother was happy with it, thank goodness for that!

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