Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Santa Cruz River Farmer's Market has moved to the Mercado building near my house and I stopped on the way home from work, looking for something for dinner. There were probably 15-20 booths of various organic crops. I decided on yellow squash and leek wraps, but also bought an heirloom tomato for some tomato sandwiches tomorrow.
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Eight dollars worth of veggies.
More expensive than the supermarket, but no nasty chemicals or coatings, plus I was helping out the mostly young farmers.
At home I sauteed four of the tiny Sonoran garlic cloves, the leek, the big yellow squash and the little one in some olive oil with salt and pepper. When cooked, I put them on a pair of tortillas, put some Mexican-style crumbly cheese on top, and then some chipotle salsa. Really, really good. Evan is going to get this for supper next weekend.
More expensive than the supermarket, but no nasty chemicals or coatings, plus I was helping out the mostly young farmers.
At home I sauteed four of the tiny Sonoran garlic cloves, the leek, the big yellow squash and the little one in some olive oil with salt and pepper. When cooked, I put them on a pair of tortillas, put some Mexican-style crumbly cheese on top, and then some chipotle salsa. Really, really good. Evan is going to get this for supper next weekend.