Wednesday, October 15, 2014
What have I been up to?
Last week I was out at the old fort watching as some little trenches being dug. The work there is almost finished.
During the week, I have been busy writing and submitting articles for a magazine and a journal. The magazine article was accepted.
Last night, Ted and Mark from Las Vegas stopped by for a visit and we went to La Indita for supper.
Last week I was out at the old fort watching as some little trenches being dug. The work there is almost finished.
Officer's Quarters 3.
In a low spot, some asters were blooming.
Another project I am doing is to supervise the re-packaging and analysis of a set of Civil War era artifacts excavated in the 1970s and 1980s in southern Arizona. There are about 70 boxes of artifacts and 10 boxes of records and photographs.
Cavalry soldier's cap ornament.
I traveled back in time last Friday and went to the Gay Men's Happy Hour with Steve and Doug.
1890s Homer.
On Saturday, I returned downtown to watch the Gay Pride Parade, running into young Nick.
Waiting for the Parade.
Backing up a moment, I spent Saturday morning helping Patrick paint one of his rental apartments.
Mark and Homer.
After painting we went to Bumstead's, where the scent of bacon was over-powering.
During the week, I have been busy writing and submitting articles for a magazine and a journal. The magazine article was accepted.
Last night, Ted and Mark from Las Vegas stopped by for a visit and we went to La Indita for supper.
I showed them a little of the old part of downtown.
Tonight I am sipping some cinnamon-flavored whiskey while doing some genealogy research. I've got some projects to finish soon, and I am forcing myself to behave and not start new projects.