
Friday, September 16, 2016

I made a pineapple upside-down cake for my birthday. I used Martha Stewart's yellow cake recipe for the cake. It is a very good, standard recipe that I have made dozens of times. I tend to add more vanilla because I like vanilla cake a lot.

For the pineapple part I melted a stick of butter, added the pineapple juice from a 10-ring can of pineapple, and then two big fist-fulls of brown sugar. I heated it until the butter was melted.

I put the ten rings in my 9 x 13 inch pyrex pan. I really could use a couple more rings. In the center of each ring went a spoonful of Trader Joe's mango chutney.

My mother, who hates spices and herbs, loves this stuff.

I poured the hot liquid over the rings. Then I made the cake batter and poured it over the rings as well.

Baked it in the trusty Visibake oven until it was done (knife came out clean). The 1950s oven doesn't have a working thermostat, so I have to guess the flame height and time.

I let it cool for an hour and then took it to work where I inverted it onto an 1880s transferprint platter.

I sent an announcement out and it was mostly eaten up in an hour. People really like the spicy mango addition to the recipe.

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