
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I helped make the Veteran's Offrenda (altar) at the Presidio Museum. I spent a lot of time making paper flowers and then attached them to an arch, attached the arch to the platform covered with blue fabric. I put photos of Aunt Bessie, Great Great Grandpa Elijah, and Great Great Grandpa Daniel.

Veteran's Altar.

That night I worked the front entrance of Retro Game Show.

Tempest DuJour getting ready.

I got to go into the Hotel Congress's basement to get chairs. Then made labels for the people who had purchased tickets. 

I dressed up as a redneck but people thought I was a Mario Brother. I guess I can see that.

Redneck Homer, or Mario Brother Homer.

Leather Mark.

Scout Matt.

My friend Addison came along with his mother and sister Elizabeth. Unexpectedly, he got called up on stage.

Addison, Noe, Tempest, Elena, Buddy, and Kiko.

Addison ended up winning the Dance-off.

Sunday I got up early to work a marathon event, representing the Presidio. I was amazed at home many people were doing the various races. I laughed when a father was yelling at his kid, "Run faster, run faster!!!"

At home I am busy getting ready for my All Soul's Procession cocktail party.

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