
Thursday, July 23, 2020

I wrote a letter to my Amish brother and included photos of my living room. He has never been to Arizona, the Amish think flying is a luxury (HA HA HA).

Starting at the west side, Buddy Cat stands on the mosaic table that I got at a yard sale back in 1999. I started to strip the paint on the woodwork around the door, need to finish it, sand, and re-paint it in the fall when it cools down.

East side.

The door leads into the dining room where I am putting puzzles together. The dog painting above the door was painted by Grandpa Feiger and hung in my brother's room. I need to either get a blue globe for the Medusa lamp or find a vintage floor lamp for that corner.

South side.

I haven't watched the television in months. I use the computer instead. Matt and I are watching Perry Mason on HBO. I have questions! The Mission-style chair and couch each have a corner where Ruby decided to chew on them. I was pretty mad about that.

West side.

I've never used the fireplace. It had a dangerous gas hook-up which I had removed. Now Snowball has joined Buddy Cat on the table. The print next to the cloud painting hung in Grandma Feiger's living room for decades.

North side.

I like paintings and have bought them at estate sales and thrift stores.


Bird and goats.

I also like plates and ceramic figurines. Currently the spot where the gas heater once was has deer and elk plates, deer figurines, a flamingo planter, and salt and pepper shakers. The afghan was the last one made by my mother during her stays at my house, in either 2014 or 2015.


Ruby was feeling left out so I had to take a picture of her too. You can see a couple of my childhood toys in the fireplace.

Ruby, Buddy Cat, and Snowball.

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