
Monday, February 01, 2021

Well that was a month.  I watched the Inauguration at work, the next few weeks I felt like I have PTSD. No more stupid tweets. No more horrible policies. Still have a couple of vile congress-women.

I'm out working on a dig. Last week it was cold and it snowed, lots of it in the mountains.

Hunter digging with the sow in the Catalina Mountains.

Found some interesting things. Some of the pottery is painted.


I am in the office a few days a week writing and I sometimes catch a movement out of the corner of my eye. A bobcat or a coyote will walk by, sometimes I tap on the window and they stop and I get a photo.


At home, Buddy Cat and Snowball like to sit in front of the radiator heater, absorbing warmth.

Snowball and Buddy Cat.

Yesterday Matt came over and I showed him how to make lemon curd. we used the Meyer lemons from my tree.

Matt zesting lemons.

We used Martha Stewart's recipe- sugar, egg yolks, salt, butter, lemon juice, and lemon zest. YUM!

Lemon curd.

Today at work a roadrunner walked over close to where I was working, a little strange. Suddenly it ran over and poked its beak into the ground and pulled out a baby snake and ran off. Crazy!


I got banned on Facebook for telling a nasty woman she was racist trash. Her Facebook feed was a mess of racist garbage, but apparently Facebook is fine with hate speech if conservative people post it. Can't wait for that company to be broken up.


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