Friday, March 11, 2022
So Facebook allows RT, the Russia Today propaganda channel, to have a page. They are posting pro-Russian garbage. I have been leaving some pretty nasty comments. Finally, I posted a photo of President Zelensky and they reported a comment, the result is that Facebook banned me for a day. Ridiculous. Initially I felt sorry for the Russian soldiers being sent to a war they didn't want to participate in. But I listened to some intercepted phone conversations in which the soldiers boasted about killing people (they took eight people out in the woods and shot them) and looting things. My empathy vanished. It is really too bad that someone hasn't offed Putin.
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I bought a scale and now I am on a diet. Low carb. Lots of vegetables.
Matt and I walked around Columbus Park and saw people fishing in the gross water in the man-made lake.
Homer and Matt.
Snowball meows loudly when Clyde is not in the house. Ruby lets me know when Clyde wants to come inside (sometimes at 2 AM, sigh).
I have been out monitoring giant auger holes being dug for new power poles. The most exciting thing was me rescuing a little mouse that fell out of the side of one of the holes.
On Valentine's day Matt gave me a cute painting of a little chick. Someday I will have a chicken coop. The neighbors have a rooster and hen and I hear the crowing and cackling every day.