
Friday, May 31, 2024

Well May has flown by quickly. I did a few surveys, spent a night in Winkleman. Then I wrote reports. And then I made endless changes requested by ASM. I did get to dig a unit inside Teatro Carmen, but did not find anything exciting.

Whenever Matt comes over Ruby is so happy. He is good cop, I am bad cop telling her to not pick on Clyde.

Matt and Ruby.

Although Clyde is pretty much able to take care of himself.

Handsome Clyde.

The couple of weeks with pretty cactus flowers is coming to an end. The first 100 degree days have arrived.

Cactus flower at work.

My anxiety about the fall election are high. It doesn't help that Biden can't shut up about fucking Israel and their fucking genocidal war against the Palestinians. Whatever good will I had towards Israel is gone.

I was very happy that Trump received 34 guilty counts yesterday. But will it do anything? 

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