
Sunday, June 30, 2024

I've been doing surveys all over the state. Couple weeks ago I was up at Young, taking SR 288 which had gorgeous scenery.

On SR 288.

The last of the lilies were blooming in the woods. I could hear the bull elk bugling. It was a nice time.


Matt and I went to Apple Annies to pick cherries. Matt had never picked cherries before. I told him how I was a child we had to pick cherries for money to buy school clothes back in Traverse City. Until they invented mechanical shakers.

We picked 14 pounds.

It was a good time.

The kitties are getting friendlier, especially Smokey. I have been taking Ruby in to meet them and Smokey comes up and pats her. Puff Junior is still a little scared of her.

Puff J'Markus Junior.

Smokey the Bear.

Matt, Carver, Hussain, and I went up to the top of Mount Lemmon yesterday for a picnic. It was 69 degrees at the top, so nice. Hussain is from Bangladesh and I learned some interesting things. People don't have indoor pets there but Western movies are starting to influence people and rich folks are getting dogs and cats.

Homer and Hussain.

I have a feeling of impending doom about the November elections. If Trump wins, well that is basically the end of the United States. And about half of the country thinks that would be great. So depressing.


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