
Monday, September 29, 2014

I lay in bed Saturday morning, what should I do?

I have a new Galaxy 5 phone so I played with the camera. Suprisingly, the picture quality isn't that great, my old phone took better pictures.


I worked on a genealogy problem- did Mr. Brown have two sons named Manuel. Well, yes he did, although I am not sure why he did. 

Then I went and bought 10 pairs of socks, 10 pairs of boxers, and three t-shirts. Thanks to my Sears bonus points those cost $62 and I won't have to worry about undergarments for a couple of years.

My plans for Sunday disappeared with a nasty migraine headache. I lay around for over six hours with a towel over my eyes, attempting to block out all light. Finally, late in the afternoon, it went away.

This morning at work the bobcat walked by my window. It is a young one, and very curious.


In the afternoon I went down to the University to look at a collection of artifacts and fieldnotes from a dig done in the late 70s-early to mid 80s. I am in charge of analyzing the materials and I am a bit stunned at how much work this will be.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Last weekend Jesse and Craig came down to help me celebrate my birthday. I made them put on tophats just because.


We went to the streetcar and got on. The Fare Enforcement officer Paul was a jerk. More than once. They are really patrolling the streetcar to make sure everyone has paid and you feel like a dirty criminal, just the way us gay folks felt before the sodomy laws were repealed!

We ended up at Brooklyn Pizza and of course we had pizza, three beers, and a soda all for $27. 

Craig is excited by pizza.

Homer and Jesse look less excited, but we gobbled it down.

Afterward we went to IBTS for a drink or two and listened to people do karoake. It was fairly deserted. The gay bars in Tucson are slowly dying.

Then off to Hotel Congress for Retro Game Show Night. We stayed for the first half, and then left to come home and play dominoes, which was more fun anyways.

The next morning breakfast at The Good Egg and poor service. I won't get the pineapple upside down pancakes again, they were average. We then went to Sweetwater Wetlands and saw some coots and lots of tiny fishes.

Back home, I enlisted Craig's help in making a chocolate mayonnaise cake. 

Baker Craig.

I was to take it to a sarong-themed party and I almost didn't go, but then changed my mind. I stopped and purchased a sarong and went and the chocolate cake was raved about. The frosting was chocolate-whiskey buttercream and I confess, it was awesome.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Yesterday as I rode to work on the bike (two times this week, 24 miles), a juvenile roadrunner stared at me and ran ahead of me for a while.

Click on the picture to see the bright blue and orange markings next to its eye.

I was going to ride again today and take photos of some morning glories and datura, but it was raining when I got up. It sprinkled at my house but poured elsewhere. The Santa Cruz River was filled with water on my way home.

I drove to the top of Sentinel Peak to take some pictures. Tucson is a basin surrounded by mountain chains. About a million people live here. 

To the east.

And yet a short distance from my house is the desert. Pima County just bought up a large chunk to save it from developers. I wonder if the rattlesnakes and javelina have any idea how close to obliteration they came.

To the west.

Tomorrow Craig and Jesse are coming down from Phoenix to celebrate my birthday with me. We are going to make hand-churned vanilla bean ice cream. YUMMMMM.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

We were supposed to get inches of rain from Hurricane Odile but instead it was a sprinklecane. Disappointing because we could really use that water in the desert.

The news people were in a terror about the flooding that was supposed to happen and the City of Tucson offered sandbags. But all we got were some puddles and clear skies by the afternoon.

So yes, disappointing.

A praying mantis was standing on the wall at work. He/she did not want its picture taken.

Atheist mantis.

I just woke up from a dream that Forrest lived in Bisbee. In the dream I was phoning him to ask if I could go camping with him. When I awoke there was that moment of confusion as to whether the dream was reality or not. 

Cat hair allergies are awful. My eyes are itching, dry, and swollen. Next month at the doctor's I'll be asking for some super-duper strong stuff.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Version 51.0.

On my 51st birthday I:

- slept in a little.
- dressed up.
- went and got my hair and beard cut by barber Cody at the new Swank Barber Shop on 4th Avenue.
- had a Carmelo's Caprese sandwich for lunch.
- worked on signs at the office.
- bought my Mother's plane ticket (Nov 17 to Apr 17 this year).
- talked with Forrest, Travis, and Steve on the phone.
- had over 220 people tell me Happy Birthday on Facebook.
- had leftover chili for supper.
- just took a Benadryl trying to stave off cat-induced eye allergies.

A good start to what is going to be an excellent year. I'm pretty much over the tragic events of 2013 and looking forward to the adventures this coming year will bring.

51st Birthday Selfie.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I took the longest vacation I've taken since 1998. Eleven days off exploring North Carolina and George with Forrest and Travis. As usual, flying is a nightmare of stupid people and it seems that planes really hit the ground hard when they land.

I got to the Charlotte Airport and waited four hours for Forrest to arrive. We then drove to the River's Edge campground in Georgia and set up tent. It was hot and humid. We rarely wore shirts.

We are both tired.

Forrest is smart and has a cushy blow-up mattress for his tent and I slept really well that first night.


On Friday, friends started to appear- Casey and Justin, John and Brandon, Steve and Michael. It was nice seeing the guys I met last year and meeting new folks.

We waited for Travis to arrive, which he did at about 11:00 that night.

Lights outside John and Brandon's trailer.

Saturday was spent playing in the pool. 

Lots of drinks.

Later that night, Travis, Brandon, and I went to listen to Tom Goss perform. It was so nice to see him and we were impressed by some new techniques he is using.


That night it rained like crazy. My tent partly filled with water. It was unpleasant.

The next night we went to a theme party.

The trio.

I hung out with young Michael. I liked his beard.

Michael and Homer.

I admired the last summer flowers blooming.


On Monday, we returned to North Carolina to the estate where Forrest, Travis, and Colin sojourn. They demanded that I go out hiking late at night.

Late at night.

Eventually it started to rain and I became soaked.

Homer and Forrest.

In the morning the fog hung over the valley. Often I lay in bed lazing about. I read two and a third books.

Foggy morning.

On Tuesday, Travis and I journeyed about, stopping in Boone for Pizza.

Kissing bears.

He took me to the original Mast Store. It is good that I had no space in my carry-on because there were many things I admired.

Mast store.

I was good at telling Travis "No!" when he wanted to buy things.


Outside, a garden had many beautiful flowers.


I demanded that Travis pose with me.

Travis wears his new hat.

We stopped briefly at the Cone estate and I admired the architectural flourishes.

Corinthian column.

On Saturday we went to a restaurant and I enjoyed the eggplant sandwich and onion rings.

Uncle Joe's.

We traveled to visit Paul and Whitney and I got to see Duker, who gave me a big smooch.


We took a hike and visited a waterfall.


It was nice to visit with Paul. 

Forrest, Whitney, Paul, Duker, and Travis.

That night another night hike.


We wandered about. I would have gotten lost.

The explorers.

On Monday, Travis and I went to Waynesville to visit with Charles. It was nice to see him again.

Charles, me, and Travis.

Colin took me to the airport and we stopped at Miguel's nearby. The food is delicious there.


Now I am back in Tucson and I think I have a cold.

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