
Sunday, November 27, 2016

I traveled south to Nogales, Sonora, Mexico to visit with Josselo. He picked me up on the American side, which was good because I would have gotten lost in the narrow, windy streets and probably had several accidents because traffic is pretty crazy. We had pizza for supper and later went for drinks at an upscale hotel.

Jose's drink.

This morning Jose took me to breakfast. Dining in Nogales is difficult as a vegetarian because of the presence of lard in many things. I had some pancakes and a veggie omelet.

Jose is having a chorizo omelet.

The streets of old Nogales are lined with little shops and businesses, the buildings are mainly homemade, very different than what you see in Tucson.

Nogales street.

After 9/11, an enormous wall was built between Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora. It is disgusting to see.

Fucking evil wall.

We passed two families meeting at the wall, people on each side, having lunch but separated by the fucking vile wall. 

People meeting, separated by the wall.

This is the bullshit that president-elect dipshit wants to build across the southern border.I'm sure that he will figure out some way to get richer if it gets built. 

I used to loathe the second George Bush. The feelings I have toward president pussy grabbing dipshit are pretty remarkable and depressing. What a hateful piece of shit.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It is Thanksgiving Eve and I just took a shower after spending the day in the woods north of Payson and the drive back.

Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday. A celebration of turkey, for a vegetarian not much fun.

I am going to the store soon to buy some potatoes, celery, and onions. I'm going to make some mashed potatoes and veggie stuffing. I wasn't invited to anybody's house, so I guess I will think of things to do to keep me busy.

One thing I'll be doing is making a fruitcake from scratch. The fruit and nuts are busy soaking in apricot brandy.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A week spent in Payson walking through the mountains looking for sites. I actually found two sites and two points.

Not much wildlife- saw some rabbits and squirrels. A lot more cacti than up in Alpine.

Pincushion cactus.

Also, more agave.


I try to avoid the news because it is just awful to hear things about president-elect Temper Tantrum.

Maintaining my sanity.

I put up the red and silver fake trees, and went to Goodwill and found a messy flocked tree for the living room. Decorating kept my mind off things.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

I voted for Hillary Clinton. I thought she would make a fine president. I have never understood the hatred that many people feel for her. I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with not wanting a woman in power. A lot of it is the fake controversies ginned up by Limbaugh, Fox News, and other far right sources.

Well big surprise. She lost the electoral college (apparently won the popular vote though). And so now we have President Donald Trump. Holy shit.

Exactly how does this happen. My best guess, lots of angry white people who do not like that non-white folks, LGBT people, immigrants, and feminists are achieving equity. Many are probably afraid of being treated like they treated minorities.

White people have controlled the United States since 1776. Obama was our first non-white President, and the racists came out into the open. Here in Arizona, being openly racist against Mexicans gets you elected. One of the chief racists of the last eight years was Donald Trump. And now he is the president.

The thing I fear most is that Donald Trump will have access to the nuclear codes and will have some stupid temper tantrum and decide to drop a nuclear bomb on some place. There are a zillion other concerns, but that one seems most acute. Make America Great Again by starting World War III.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

All Souls 2016. I put up my altar. 2016 has been an awful year of people dying.

I made gingerbread and sugar cookies and Josselo and Patrick came to help decorate. The frosting mixture wasn't the best (too thick).


Patrick did the best decorating. It was Josselo's first time decorating cookies.

For my cocktail party I made baklava, spinakopita, hummous, and a chocolate cemetery cake. Josselo made pico de gallo salsa, his mother's recipe.

Cemetery cake.

Josselo did my makeup and I did his. Then I did the makeup of probably 8 or 10 other people. I was busy drinking gin and tonics and got a little drunk.

Josselo and Homer.

Robert and Ray's friend Christopher has makeup artist skills, and I asked him to do Erika's.
Christopher works on Erika.

He did an awesome job.


Wally came down from Phoenix. I first met Wally in 1987 at Fort Union. It was his first Procession.


We walked down to the Procession and watched for a while. I was glad to come home and climb into bed. 

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