
Sunday, July 23, 2017

I've had a mental list of things that I have always wanted to do. Today it would be called a "bucket list," but I'm not really fond of that phrase. So far I have done the following:

1). Become an archaeologist.

2). Have a letter in the New York Times.

3). Have a book in the Library of Congress (to date, I have eight plus a book in which I have a chapter).

4). Go see the island of Santorini and visit the site of Thera. In 1972 my mother showed me a National Geographic article about the village, buried by a volcano, and that started me wanting to be an archaeologist.

5). Buy a house. I still owe $43,000 on it though.

6). Soon I will be seeing a total eclipse of the sun.

There are some things I haven't done yet.

A). Visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Oplontis.

B). Find out who were the parents of James Ransom and Ebenezer Fillmore.

C). Go to Africa and see elephants and rhinos in the wild.


Monday, July 10, 2017

25th Anniversary. Today marks 25 years of working for the same archaeology company. Over the last quarter century I have dug at Spanish presidios and missions, Territorial period downtown blocks, graves from historic and prehistoric cemeteries, analyzed 1000s of artifacts, researched buildings and dead people, reconstructed the past.

A couple of years ago someone said to my face, "We can never know anything about the past." Well, that certainly isn't true. The discoveries I have made over the last 25 years has helped change what we know about the people who have lived in southern Arizona over the last 4,000 years.

I wrote a blog post for our company website about what the first 25 years of my career as an archaeologist has meant to me. It is actually one of the better things that I have written lately.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

The summer continues. Fires up on Mount Lemmon, hellish heat. At night I spend a few hours on the couch in front of the little window AC unit. The cats come and sit next to me. Poor little Puff is so skinny and he demands I sleep on my right side so he had use my arm as a pillow. If I don't, he cries loudly. I don't get much sleep lately.

The Fourth of July was on a Tuesday. I made vanilla ice cream. Then climbed up on the guesthouse roof and watched the explosions of the city-fired fireworks and the ones my neighbors were lighting. So many loud booms.


Afterward, I took the ice cream next door to Pete and Rose's and they and their friends enjoyed it. 

Now it is the weekend and my house is hot. Have to figure out something to do to cool off. 

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