Thursday, July 30, 2020
The last three weeks have seen 346, then 579, and then 556 deaths reported in Arizona. And when you go Governor Ducey's Facebook page you see all of the posts by Covid-deniers and Let's-Open-Now folks.
I wonder whether Herman Cain regretted not wearing a mask after he got sick. It is all a hoax, right?
Puzzle time! Matt gave me some puzzles. I loved this one- the unusual shape and bright colors.
Floral puzzle.
And then there was this one. SIGH. He didn't give me the box so I had no idea what it was. So I spent hours working on it. When I had finished all of the non-white pieces, this is what I had. But then there were hundreds of white pieces. I finally told Matt that I couldn't do it. He then told me that it was rolls of toilet paper. There was even two pieces that had a Covid-19 virus.
Then I got puzzles I ordered. This one had hummingbirds and was fun to put together.

Hummingbird by Eeboo.
I went to the Museum of Art's opening of their new gallery, socially-distanced. After viewing the Meso-American artifacts (no comment), I went through the rest of the gallery. This was my favorite.
Tom Palmore.
The Presidio Museum held a socially-distanced movie viewing of Arizona (1940). I last watched it in 2004 before giving a talk on the film at the 2005 SHA conference in York, England. I just ordered the book the movie was based on through Ebay.
Neighbor Pete called me to alert me that there was a pair of javelinas in his yard. I went into my backyard and there they were. One looked at me through the fence, a foot away. Smelly!
Rose opened the front gate and they wandered out and walked down the street. I encouraged them to go back towards the desert. They were very interested in this pole.
Electrician on the roof.
At work I am working on finishing an old report. A little tedious, lots of tracking down things.
I wonder whether Herman Cain regretted not wearing a mask after he got sick. It is all a hoax, right?
Puzzle time! Matt gave me some puzzles. I loved this one- the unusual shape and bright colors.
Floral puzzle.
And then there was this one. SIGH. He didn't give me the box so I had no idea what it was. So I spent hours working on it. When I had finished all of the non-white pieces, this is what I had. But then there were hundreds of white pieces. I finally told Matt that I couldn't do it. He then told me that it was rolls of toilet paper. There was even two pieces that had a Covid-19 virus.
Then I got puzzles I ordered. This one had hummingbirds and was fun to put together.

Hummingbird by Eeboo.
I went to the Museum of Art's opening of their new gallery, socially-distanced. After viewing the Meso-American artifacts (no comment), I went through the rest of the gallery. This was my favorite.
Tom Palmore.
The Presidio Museum held a socially-distanced movie viewing of Arizona (1940). I last watched it in 2004 before giving a talk on the film at the 2005 SHA conference in York, England. I just ordered the book the movie was based on through Ebay.
Neighbor Pete called me to alert me that there was a pair of javelinas in his yard. I went into my backyard and there they were. One looked at me through the fence, a foot away. Smelly!
Rose opened the front gate and they wandered out and walked down the street. I encouraged them to go back towards the desert. They were very interested in this pole.
A couple of days ago I woke up at 3:30 AM to discover that most of my electricity was not working. I was lucky to have a nice electrician come over and repair it ($120).
Electrician on the roof.
At work I am working on finishing an old report. A little tedious, lots of tracking down things.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
A week ago Monday I got tested for Covid-19. Pima County had opened a mass testing center and was encouraging people to get tested. I did not think I was exposed to the virus, because I have been very careful, but still thought I should find out.
You have to schedule an appointment and show up on time. After providing information, I walked down a hall way and was seated in a space. The woman doing the testing then proceeded to stick a long swab up each nostril. Unpleasant, very ticklish. Also very quick.
You have to schedule an appointment and show up on time. After providing information, I walked down a hall way and was seated in a space. The woman doing the testing then proceeded to stick a long swab up each nostril. Unpleasant, very ticklish. Also very quick.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
I wrote a letter to my Amish brother and included photos of my living room. He has never been to Arizona, the Amish think flying is a luxury (HA HA HA).
Starting at the west side, Buddy Cat stands on the mosaic table that I got at a yard sale back in 1999. I started to strip the paint on the woodwork around the door, need to finish it, sand, and re-paint it in the fall when it cools down.

East side.
The door leads into the dining room where I am putting puzzles together. The dog painting above the door was painted by Grandpa Feiger and hung in my brother's room. I need to either get a blue globe for the Medusa lamp or find a vintage floor lamp for that corner.

South side.
I haven't watched the television in months. I use the computer instead. Matt and I are watching Perry Mason on HBO. I have questions! The Mission-style chair and couch each have a corner where Ruby decided to chew on them. I was pretty mad about that.

West side.
I've never used the fireplace. It had a dangerous gas hook-up which I had removed. Now Snowball has joined Buddy Cat on the table. The print next to the cloud painting hung in Grandma Feiger's living room for decades.

North side.
I like paintings and have bought them at estate sales and thrift stores.


Bird and goats.
I also like plates and ceramic figurines. Currently the spot where the gas heater once was has deer and elk plates, deer figurines, a flamingo planter, and salt and pepper shakers. The afghan was the last one made by my mother during her stays at my house, in either 2014 or 2015.

Ruby was feeling left out so I had to take a picture of her too. You can see a couple of my childhood toys in the fireplace.

Ruby, Buddy Cat, and Snowball.
Starting at the west side, Buddy Cat stands on the mosaic table that I got at a yard sale back in 1999. I started to strip the paint on the woodwork around the door, need to finish it, sand, and re-paint it in the fall when it cools down.

East side.
The door leads into the dining room where I am putting puzzles together. The dog painting above the door was painted by Grandpa Feiger and hung in my brother's room. I need to either get a blue globe for the Medusa lamp or find a vintage floor lamp for that corner.

South side.
I haven't watched the television in months. I use the computer instead. Matt and I are watching Perry Mason on HBO. I have questions! The Mission-style chair and couch each have a corner where Ruby decided to chew on them. I was pretty mad about that.

West side.
I've never used the fireplace. It had a dangerous gas hook-up which I had removed. Now Snowball has joined Buddy Cat on the table. The print next to the cloud painting hung in Grandma Feiger's living room for decades.

North side.
I like paintings and have bought them at estate sales and thrift stores.


Bird and goats.
I also like plates and ceramic figurines. Currently the spot where the gas heater once was has deer and elk plates, deer figurines, a flamingo planter, and salt and pepper shakers. The afghan was the last one made by my mother during her stays at my house, in either 2014 or 2015.

Ruby was feeling left out so I had to take a picture of her too. You can see a couple of my childhood toys in the fireplace.

Ruby, Buddy Cat, and Snowball.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
I ran into Goodwill (masked!) and went to the area where they have games and found three puzzles. Total $3.00.
On evenings when I am bored I put together puzzles in this time of pandemic (100 people died in Arizona in the last two days). Usually when my house is too hot, I dislike sweaty genealogical research, so puzzles.
On evenings when I am bored I put together puzzles in this time of pandemic (100 people died in Arizona in the last two days). Usually when my house is too hot, I dislike sweaty genealogical research, so puzzles.
And of course when you buy a used puzzle, there is the chance a piece might be missing. And that was the case. SIGH.
Missing piece.
Puzzles with missing piece end up in the garbage because I won't sell them to Bookman's. I trade puzzles with RJ and Emilee, who are also doing them during this time of pandemic.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Last Saturday we drove down to the almost-ghost town of Pearce. We couldn't find the ruins that are there, but instead ended up in the old cemetery. According to Findagrave, at least 831 people are buried there. The cemetery is in a natural condition- not manicured, no mowing. It reminds me very much of cemeteries I have seen in New Mexico.
My favorite was this one, decorated with shells set into concrete.
Homer and Matt.
And in other news, Arizona is a shithole. Our Governor refuses to do anything to stop the spread of Covid-19. We are the worst place in the country. Last week 226 people died. The first six days this week, 277. Yesterday he gave a press conference where he announced restaurant restrictions, but failed to note that these had already been in place for two weeks.
Pima County is now offering free Covid-19 testing. I have signed up on the first day, July 20th. I do not think I have been exposed, because I have been so careful, but who knows what will happen in the next nine days.
We wandered around, on the look out for rattlesnakes, but didn't see any. Many of the graves had elaborate vaults over them.
My favorite was this one, decorated with shells set into concrete.
Lighting was difficult, could not get a photo without my shadow.
We stopped at a collapsing adobe house for a selfie.
Homer and Matt.
And in other news, Arizona is a shithole. Our Governor refuses to do anything to stop the spread of Covid-19. We are the worst place in the country. Last week 226 people died. The first six days this week, 277. Yesterday he gave a press conference where he announced restaurant restrictions, but failed to note that these had already been in place for two weeks.
Pima County is now offering free Covid-19 testing. I have signed up on the first day, July 20th. I do not think I have been exposed, because I have been so careful, but who knows what will happen in the next nine days.
Thursday, July 02, 2020
Arizona has the highest infection rate for Covid-19. Thousands of people are found to be infected every day. The Governor refuses to require face masking in public. Luckily, Mayor Romero in Tucson has done so.
On Monday, I went to Safeway and was pleased to see a sign on the door, "Masks must be worn inside." Everyone had masks on until I got to the back, where two young men were unmasked. I told them loudly, "You need to have a mask on." I got some bananas and came across them again. I was so mad. I shouted at them, "Someone I know died from Covid-19. Put on a fucking mask!" Later when I was buying stuff they were a few people behind me, staring at me.
If they aren't wearing masks, they are not social distancing, hanging out, attending parties. The majority of people testing positive in Arizona now are people under the age of 35. So over it. They need to wear a mask and behave.
In other news, my lemon trees are busy making lemons. I got a huge water bill and have been better about not wasting water. Matt told me the small sunflowers are done, so I have stopped.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. There really isn't any reason to celebrate. I will have to make noise in the house because the neighbors like to shoot fireworks and that scares Ruby.
On Monday, I went to Safeway and was pleased to see a sign on the door, "Masks must be worn inside." Everyone had masks on until I got to the back, where two young men were unmasked. I told them loudly, "You need to have a mask on." I got some bananas and came across them again. I was so mad. I shouted at them, "Someone I know died from Covid-19. Put on a fucking mask!" Later when I was buying stuff they were a few people behind me, staring at me.
If they aren't wearing masks, they are not social distancing, hanging out, attending parties. The majority of people testing positive in Arizona now are people under the age of 35. So over it. They need to wear a mask and behave.
In other news, my lemon trees are busy making lemons. I got a huge water bill and have been better about not wasting water. Matt told me the small sunflowers are done, so I have stopped.
Green Meyer lemons.
I'm still doing puzzles. Have been working on my Civil War soldier book. Am watching the 3rd and last season of the German show Dark. Tonight I am re-organizing my genealogy files, which need this because I got rid of the old metal filing cabinet.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. There really isn't any reason to celebrate. I will have to make noise in the house because the neighbors like to shoot fireworks and that scares Ruby.