
Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Acid stomach. Argh, occasionally I have acid reflux or something similar. I've been lucky and haven't experienced this for several years. Well it started last Thursday in Saint Louis and now whenever I eat I developed a burning feeling that doesn't go away, no matter how much pepto or anti-acids I consume. Perhaps that is the reason I feel extraordinarily cranky. Screaming at other drivers cranky. Wanting to interrupt older people to tell them to shut up or get to the point cranky. Fudgety, fudge fudge.

I'm supposed to be at a meeting at this moment and supposed to have a newsletter put together tomorrow but the stomach issue makes me ignore these pressing problems, so instead I look at important websites instead:

1). Lovely shoes.
2). Create your own comic.
3). A buddy's budding weblog.
4). Plastic bead mosaic mania.

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