
Monday, February 23, 2004

Did he know I was stalking him? On the way home from work I stopped at a supermarket. Now in Tucson, every supermarket has a distinct personality. The Fry's chain is known for the preponderance of mouth-breathers, shoppers who don't have the sense to close up while walking about. Albertson's is more expensive and I don't like the floorplan. The Safeway near work is crammed full of elderly people and embarrassed men buying Maxi-pads. The Safeway near home is heavily Hispanic and the candy section has strange confections with odd textures and unusual flavors. The Safeway I went to today is near the University and is typically filled with cute college stud-ents.

I wandered in to buy some diet pop and those expensive pretty pills. He was standing at the end of an aisle looking at cans of dog food. I see him whenever I do research at a Pima County office. Tall, thick brown wavy hair, nice goatee, brown eyes, great body. I've admired him for years. I know he smokes, perhaps a flaw, but the rest of the package...fine. I doubled back to look again. Nice butt. And as I was looking at bread he came over to inspect as well. His Pima County ID badge hangs partly from under his coat. First name starts with an S, but I can't make out the rest. Probably a Steve, maybe a Scott. Last name is decidly English. His forearms are really furry. No wedding ring.

I decide that I've done enough gazing and go look for those pills but end up in line behind him- he chose a long loaf of cheap white sandwich bread. He smiles at me and I wonder, "What if he's gay?" But I have no working gaydar here in Arizona. So I watch as he walks away and admire his butt and have a little domestic fantasy before the cashier asks me to enter my club card number.

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