
Friday, March 12, 2004

I was naked when I took this picture. I had just finished giving myself a haircut. I haven't gone to a barber or stylist in a couple of years. I figure, given the amount of hair I now possess, why pay somebody when I can do almost as good a job by myself. Almost is the important aspect, since I have had a couple of hair tragedies where the clippers kinda went out of control and I had to buzz everything really short. Tonight's version looks rather respectable, maybe I have hairstylist genes?

Last night I had dinner with David G. and Abe. Abe's a good cook and it was a nice last meal before the upcoming rectal event. I'm sorry, but the special diet totally sucks and I am craving not-allowed foods like crazy, which is all psychological, I guess. On the other hand, I foresee losing a couple of pounds and that would be quite acceptable. Weekend plans? Going to a party tomorrow, maybe hiking on Sunday. How about you?

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