
Thursday, June 17, 2004

At the tile store I picked a buttery yellow for the main tile and a cornflower blue for the trim. I will probably have to repaint my kitchen when the new counter/sink is finished- I think I will go to the library and see what colors were in style around 1930 or so.

I have a tobacco tree in a pot in my front yard and two days in a row a hummingbird came and sipped nectar from it while I was on the phone. That was sweet to see. I've always liked birds- we had chickens, geese, ducks, and guinea hens when I was a kid. The guinea hens would fly up on the roof every night and make that bizarre noise they make. There are chickens down the street at the horse corrals, and sometimes I hear the cocks crow. I will admit that the persistent loud chirping every morning at 5 AM is driving me crazy.

Joey looks at me. She likes birds too, watching them out the window. I suspect she would like them best wedged between her sharp little teeth.

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