
Saturday, June 05, 2004

So the Pope doesn't like fags. Oh my, kinda ironic for the head of a church that has to have crowbars handy to separate the priests from the altar boys' asses. Honestly, why anyone venerates that guy amazes me. And for someone who is supposed to be chosen by his invisible god, he certainly is in crappy shape. Not that I feel sorry for him- under his rule the Catholic church has become increasingly archaic and his policies (no birth control, women=servants, homos=evil, cover up pedophiles) have done more harm than good. It iritates me our equally idiotic president and the first bitch are over there photo-oping with him.

Jason and I went to Da Vinci's last night for Italian- I had gnocchi with a slightly hot sauce. Very good. [I pause to run out to the car and grab the doggy bag I forgot last night]. Afterwards we got a video- Brotherhood of the Wolves- which was excellent. The costumes, sets, and cinematography were great.

Today's high will be 107. Nice!

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