
Monday, September 27, 2004

I'm coming out to Washington, DC for the week of October 19-26!!! Yes, that deserved three exclamation points. During the day I will be hard at work at the National Archives, searching for long lost historical documents. At night I will be available for high-priced escorting. Yeah, right. What is particularly exciting is that I've arranged this trip so that it coincides with the Blogjam: the Homo Speaks event so I will getting to meet some super guys including GeekSlut, Dogpoet, and Chrisafer. And of course that perfectly woofy Jimbo, who I'm begging to put me up for a couple of weeknights. I'm growing my beard out just for you, darlin'.

I know I whined a couple of days ago about friendship issues but we talked and everything is fine, just some misunderstandings. I shouldn't let things drag me down, but I value my close friends a lot. I used to have a hard time making friends, I think partly because of the difficulties of growing up queer in a small-small-small town. I was painfully shy and a follower in college. It wasn't until after I graduated that I decided that following people around didn't get you anywhere. Anyhoooo, the friends I have now are pretty special and I guess I value them a lot.

In other news, I'm off to Sierra Vista (aka Sorry Vista) for the next couple of days to map some millsites, so I'm without computer access. That is a strange thought, it has become such a part of my life.

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