
Thursday, April 14, 2005

Johnny is posting about his Rock-n-Roll Jeopardy experience. I tried out for Jeopardy here in Tucson. They were scouting for players here and so I dropped a postcard off at the CBS affiliate. A couple of days later I got a call and instructions to go to a local hotel for the test. I went and there was a crowd of 300 people. They gave up a 10 question fill-in-the-blank test and collected them in five minutes. They left the room, scored the tests and came back in. "If we call your name please meet us outside." Of the 300 or so people, maybe 15 got called. Including me (I was surprised, I knew that I had gotten one answer wrong). "Come back for the second test at 1:00" they told us.

So I go back and run into my friend Richard, who is a reference librarian, and who had passed the test in a separate session. There were about 60 of us in all and we went back into the room to take the next test. This one consisted of a video of Alex Trebek asking questions, Jeopardy style. We had to fill in blanks on our test sheet. Richard and I started scribbling, but I knew I was doomed right away. Too many Shakespeare and opera questions. Also obscure river names. Beside me, Richard starts giggling, which made me start laughing too. I knew that he was having a tough time as well. After they graded those tests only three people were called back, one of whom would eventually appear on the show (the other two were wayyyyy unphotogenic).

Outside I mentioned that the test was super hard. Richard laughed again and said, "Yeah I know, I didn't know the answers so I started cheating off of you! You didn't know any of them either!"

I think I'll go out and be in the audience for Price Is Right- they always pick people with weird names "Homer, come on down!" Knowing my luck I'd win a hottub or a camping trailer.

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