
Friday, September 14, 2007

I didn't watch President Clusterfuck's speechifying last night because there weren't enough buckets lying around to collect all the vomit that would have been flying around.

Instead I thought about my upcoming birthday (Sunday!, 44!) and wished I looked forward to that day like I did when I was a child.

Instead, I'm starting to realize that even the guys my age mostly want 20 or 30-somethings. Brian and I laugh at many of the personal ads we come across online (example: ONLY CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE DEAF!), but it is mildly depressing that so many 40-something men want to date other men young enough to be their son.

And so on. When I was a young son my Mama would give us $5 on our birthday so we could pick out our own present. That saved her from having to figure out what we wanted. I mostly got Breyer horses, which were the right size for GI Joe to ride around on. Later it switched to books about Pompeii. Britney Spears hadn't been invented yet, so I didn't have to worry about purchasing her latest CD, which also hadn't been invented yet.

This year, no plans for the 44th anniversary of me being cut out of my mother. Maybe someone will surprise me (hint:Brady).

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