
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Up early so I could drive over to the old fort and finish the mapping we are doing. The fort was established in 1873, abandoned by the military in 1891, and the recently acquired part was used as a tuberculosis sanitorium from about 1908 to the 1940s.

Kitchen ruins.

The city and county recently purchased the last portion of the fort in private hands, and I've been preparing a report on the history of this portion.

In the afternoon Forrest called and we went to La Indita for dinner.

Forrest at night.

Afterwards we wandered up and down 4th Avenue and looked at tied dyed t-shirts at the hippy store. At the thrift store the records were too pricey, I wish I had a record player.

We sat outside the bar and watched the ants try to drag too-big bugs into their tiny hole. They just never wanted to give up. Silly little ants.

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