
Saturday, September 08, 2007

I forgot the golden raisins for Vince's birthday cake. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I've never made a carrot cake before, Brian was kind enough to find me a recipe since the Cake Bible didn't have the right one. I'll be sure to take a picture, but where's that food stylist bf? You know the one with the mad camera skills.

Otherwise a low key day, the highlight of which was a trip to the pet store to buy kitty litter. I know, I know. Life in Tucson is pretty superb.

Some fuckin' idiot wrote last week that gay blogging would be dead in a year. Yeah. Right. I had to laugh about that. Why is it that certain people get so melodramatic when they quit blogging? Just because they quit, I guess they want everyone else to quit too. So sorry.

I'll still be baking cakes, hanging out with my friends, and occasionally writing about by job in September 2008. I like being able to see what I was doing on this day in past years(in 2003, finding out that an ex had cheated on me while we were together! lol). And if people want to read about it, well, good for them. Maybe someday I'll quit, but I guess I'll have to find a good reason to do so.

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