
Thursday, November 08, 2007

So the new President of France comes to visit and George Bush has a fancy dinner at the White House. I looked at the invitation list. I guess only businessmen and their trophy wives get invited to the White House. Plus a Supreme Court Justice, a couple Senators, a Representative, and a Governor. And George Bush's sister.

Looking through the other invitation lists for similar dinners, you realize that George only likes to hang out with other businessmen. Funny, since he was such a crappy businessman himself.

The United States has lots of talented scientists, entertainers, and ordinary people. But apparently unless you are Kelsey Grammar or Elizabeth Hasselback, you don't get invited to the White House. I guess that is because most scientists and entertainers and about 70 percent of the rest of the country don't really care for the Bushes anymore. I really wish the bloody hands woman, the one who charmed Condi Rice a few weeks back, would have dinner with Laura and Jenna and Barb Jr.

Now if I were president I would have a really fun state dinner. We'd have veggie hotdogs and tater tots, lemon meringue pie for desserts. Gwen Stefani and Cristina Aguilera would wiggle around singing during the dessert. Afterwards we'd made plastic bead mosaics and I'd play spin the bottle with Matthew Foxx and Will Smith. So much more fun than sitting next to the Chairman of FedEx.

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