
Friday, November 09, 2007

What pisses me off lately?

- Racism. People who judge other people based on their ethnic origin and/or their skin color. What a bunch of petty bullshit.

- "Illegal immigration" talk about a crock of shit. In Arizona they are busy building a solid border fence right through endangered wildlife habitat. No environmental reviews. So low flying birds will fly right smack into that fence and be killed instantly. And larger animals, such as our occasional jaguar visitor, will be unable to cross the border.

- "War on Terror" what a barrel full of shit. It isn't a war- a war is declared on a government. The "war on terror" is a fight against a bunch of criminals. Of course, if you call it a war you can scare people. You can be sure there will be plenty more terror alerts next year, right before the election.

- The 2008 elections. Holy shit, we have to put up with this for another year? 14 more months of the Great Decider? And what then? Hillary or Rudy. Puke.

What doesn't piss me off?

- Cooking for my Mama.

- Looking forward to going to a party with Forrest.

- Cats!

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