
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I post pictures of chairs in compromising positions. Because that's what chairs will do, naturally. Obscure reference to an email I've just read, I laughed when I saw it.

The right chair.

The left chair.

These are the other two chairs, the ones that sat on either side of the table in my grandmother's living room. (Seth, what say you?). My mother's cherry wood dresser with the two large glass bottles with ribbons sat to the left of the table. Uncle Fred's grandfather clock was to the right, with the picture that now hangs in my dining room on the wall above. I can close my eyes and see every piece of furniture in that room.

Today I got a call and a request to be interviewed/photographed to appear in a 4th grade social science textbook. I'm spreading the evil of archaeology to the youths of tomorrow.

Tonight's cooking adventure- bananananananana bread. Because you can never have too much nanas.

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