
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

As I was packing my suitcase a pair of neighborhood dogs came into my backyard for a visit.


The Chihuahua wanted to sit in my lap (and who could blame him?) while the chow mix looked for things to play with.

I'm off to Michigan for a week. My uncle Fred's funeral is Saturday. Springtime has come and the snow has melted in the family cemetery so they can get the backhoe in and install the vault and do the other things that people in the upper midwest do when someone gets buried.

I'll be seeing cousins I haven't seen since the 1970s- so strange how time flies. I'm also meeting a more distant relative who has family photos back to the Civil War era. And besides that I'm planning on enjoying the wildflowers, daffodils, and tulips (they are having a late spring up north).

The first flight drops me in the Minneapolis Airport- I'll be walking by the Larry Craig Memorial Bathroom- wonder if any Republican politicians will be lurking nearby?

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