
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Where did I put my nice Amish straw hat? And where are my reading glasses? They seem to have disappeared- not in my office at work, my car, or anywhere visible at home. Could the Borrowers have gotten them?

What else? Why won't the dry patch of skin on my face go away? Am I turning into a lizard?

Why did I have to drop my battery recharger? Now I have to purchase a new one. That means a trip to Best Buy [oops, mispelled that as "Best Boy" for a moment!] and I will look at digital cameras with desire. Going to be getting a new one soon, with a better zoom feature and more MEGA pixels.

Other questions- Will the hairball stuff work? Will Mama Cat's eyesight come back (again)? Is it possible for the Bold and the Beautiful to be any more incestuous? These questions, and many more, will be answered soon on Homer'sWorld.

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