
Friday, May 16, 2008

At Aaron's apartment, high above the ground. The Statue of Liberty is visible off in the distance, partially masked by fog. Aaron is in the kitchen cooking dinner.

I'm having a lovely trip. Chris is wonderful to hang out with. Who else can you have conversations about George Washington Carver and other esoteric topics? He looks good with a beard, too.

Today I did little, read the newspaper, watched some silly telly, took a nap, struggled with my bag on the subway. I haven't seen any rats so far, but sat in a Catholic cemetery and the inquisitive squirrels came up looking for a handout. I disappointed them.

New York City has many interesting smells, people of all types rushing back and forth, and very loud, personal conversations on cell phones. If I didn't need to live somewhere very close to the wilderness, I guess I'd want to live somewhere near here.

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