
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday night I had dinner with Sarah, who I went to graduate school back when I had more hair and weighed about 30 pounds less than I do at this very moment.

Sarah Jane.

We had interesting conversations ("Did you know Ted had a sex change and became Patricia?) and the food was delicious.

Delicious Ethiopian food.

We vowed not to have such a long time in between seeing each other. Some day I'll have to go up to Utah and see her.

At work I am out excavating at a Classic period Hohokam site (circa 1300-1400 AD). Doing sensitive work, so no pictures. Some amazing finds being made and pressure from the construction company. Very windy and hot and I come home and it takes three Q-tips to clean out each ear.

Roadrunner (click to make bigger).

A roadrunner was standing next to my car at the office. Last week I saw a coyote nearby there, I hope the roadrunner knows that if he catches you, you're through!

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