
Thursday, January 08, 2009

I'm babysitting Martha while Sandy is away. He, Mark, and Zane went off to Palm Springs and Mark and Zane will be heading back to Australia next week, returning in July or so.

Homer and Martha.

She came to work with me today and charmed all of my co-workers, each of whom asked me how old she was and honestly, I don't know. I was very pleased when I took her outside and she peed, but now the big question is whether she has to poo and how often that happens.
She's running around the study now, with all the doors closed, and she understands the word "No!" when I yell at her to stop trying to chew a power cord.

The cats are rather mad about this sudden change, they are all in the living room looking angry at me. I think they will be even madder because Martha's kennel is going to sit on the bed tonight so she won't be lonely and scared (thank goodness I have a king size bed).

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