
Thursday, February 26, 2009

So on election day I said that nasty thing ("You are a cunt") after being told by Ms. Conservative Values 2008 that faggots were basically the same as murderers, and somehow I thought that was an isolated thingy. You'd think by now that most people have gotten the news that us homos are really normal folks who sometimes do anal, and yet sometimes they read interesting recipes on the intertubes and make fattening foods, just like regular folks.

But apparently not. The Republicans are so fucking desperate for something to regain support. And the evil fags are all they have left. So you have that Colorado state senator repeating the tired "Homos is killers" theme (so 2008!). The new head of the Republican party saying that civil unions would be "crazy" (particularly bizarre given that his ancestors were denied the right to marry, since they were property and not people).

And that guy from North Carolina babbling about the evils of queer marriage. While sporting the queerest, queeniest hairdon't I have ever seen.

Hon. Jim Forrester.

I was looking for his picture to illustrate this and came across a whole bunch on Google Image Search, and I can't stop staring at his hairdon't. What the fuck is he thinking?


The first picture I saw wasn't just some fluke, some bizarre photo-shopped creation. Every single fucking picture of this sanctimonious bastard has him sporting this dippy-doo, curlique thing perched on top of his head.


He babbles on about the sanctity of marriage shit. Right, so how come I get total child-molester vibes, in my non-accusatory opinion, when I gayze at his photographs? Also, if you happen to have the copyrights to these pictures, I am using them to illustrate a point. My point being, anti-homosexual "men" almost always have grooming faults. And apparently the women-folks in their lives are too chicken to point them out. And of course straight men aren't very good at pointing out grooming failures. And us homos are unlikely to point them out as a public service, because lord knows, we don't really want to talk to menz who make the hair on your neck stand up because they are so fucking creepy.

I just feel sorry for Mrs. Forrester, who has to assume the wifely position while Jim sticks hisself inside her and I imagine all she can do is think, "I hope that curl doesn't fall off while he is doing his business." And if it did fall off, would she interrupt his sanctity of marriage stuff to tell him, "Jim, your hair fell. Again." And if not, would she lie there with that curl draped over her face while he wheezed away and she thinks about new wallpaper or drapes? Or whether Alice will be making that delicious chocolate cake for the Senator's wives' club meetings? Or wishing she was having hot dyke sex instead, because Jim spends more time on his curliques that on her clitoris?

I don't know. Sometimes my mind acts in mysterious ways. Anyways, I think it must suck to be evil Bigot-Americans grasping at straws when you are on the wrong side of history. No one ever puts bigots on stamps in our fine country. I wonder how long before we have a Harvey Milk stamp?

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