
Sunday, April 19, 2009

I used to really like to read, but now that my eyes have changed so much it is difficult to read for a long period of time. I check out books from the Pima County Library (we have an excellent library system here), and I read a few pages and then the book goes back. I'm trying to remember the last book I finished, and for whatever reason, I can't.

When I was a kid I read everything I could get my hands on. Especially after we moved to the farm and my father stopped long haul truck-driving and had to figure out to be a stay-at-home father, which he utterly, completely sucked at. My father was not a fan of education. Like the other farmers in out little town, education meant you left home and went away to the big city. And like the other fathers, he would try to stop that silliness. He hated seeing me read, so I would take my book and hide up in my bedroom or, in the summer, perch myself up into the old apple tree and read there. I was lucky in that Mummy encouraged me to read and look me to the library whenever possible.

Maybe I'm less inclined to finish a book because of the books being written nowadays. Who knows. Oh! Just remembered, the last book I read all the way through was Blindness by Jose Saramago.

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