
Friday, April 17, 2009

Well, Mummy left yesterday and arrived safely in Traverse City. Now she will get to enjoy spring all over again. At the airport she told me she wants to come to Tucson before it snows this year, so I guess she will be coming in November and staying for longer.

I celebrated having the house by myself by buying a loaf of sourdough bread and eating peanut butter and jam on toast. It was awesome.

I admit it, I am tired of the hair that I grew out. I also need to figure out the correct way to trim my beard so I don't look like a serial killed afterwards.

I'm going back to the gym after almost four months off. Let's see if I can avoid spraining my ankle.

They had one of those teabag protests here in Tucson. The participants complained about having to pay taxes. While standing in a park built and maintained by taxes. Talk about a boring "protest."

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