Friday, October 17, 2014
I stopped by the Pima County Courthouse and watched three gay couples get married. It was a spur of the moment thing, I wished I had thought to bring some flowers to hand out to the couples.
There were four or five officiants standing around, offering to marry couples as they walked out of the courthouse.
Everyone was so happy. No protesters.
I recall standing nearby in 2008 after the marriage amendment passed. It was a Friday and the Courthouse marries people for free on Friday afternoon. And all the couples wandered by as we chanted and held signs. One couple apologized.
Congressman Ron Barber was there, greeting the new couples. I did not see any Republican politicians.
Later I called the loathsome Center for Arizona Policy and by chance Cathi Herrod answered the phone and I got to thank her personally for bringing marriage equality to Arizona. She hung up.