
Sunday, November 29, 2015

I've been busy. Spent a day out on an archaeology dig. I worked in a 1920s-1940s trash dump from a dairy, collecting samples of bottles. I had gone on a site tour the previous week and saw this polychrome pot on a pit structure floor.


I had a game night and invited Paul, Jon, Chuck, and Billy. We played Pit, Sorry, and Monopoly. I lost but didn't care because we were having a good time. I ate a lot of pizza.

Paul, Jon, Chuck, Billy, and Puff.

After work on Wednesday I drove north to Phoenix to spend the festive holiday with Craig and Jesse. They were busy playing the latest video game, whose name I cannot remember.

The next morning we went on a hike.

Jesse, Craig, and Taco.

It was over 3.5 miles. I had to run twice to keep up with them.

My cell phone camera blurs things.

When we got back, it was time to prepare a festive meal. I made orange-walnut-cranberry stuff. And mashed potatoes. Craig made vegetarian stuffing. We also had tofurky (never again), rolls, and a squash pie that I made. I showed Craig how easy it was to make ice cream in the Cuisinart ice cream maker I got myself for my birthday.


Afterward we made Holiday cards. I was able to think up a couple of new varieties- little scenes with houses and Holiday trees decorated with punched out dots.


Winter is here. When it gets below 40 Buddy goes and sleeps in the guest house with Doug. He is a happy dog.

Buddy and buddy.

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