
Monday, December 14, 2015

Saturday night Dan called me from California to tell me that his wife Sylvia had died in late May. He had come across my phone number in her papers.

Sylvia had come across my blog years ago and back when I had good commenting, would often remark on entries. She was a Tucson native and loved seeing pictures and stories about her hometown.

I met her and Dan at Beyond Bread once, and we had such a nice time. In 2013, she and Dan came to my All Souls Procession Party. She gave me her Blue Willow child's teaset, which I treasure. She also made me some paper flowers that are carefully tucked away in my china cabinet.

Sylvia on the left.

Life is fleeting, in the grand time scale on the universe. Make the most of it, and have fun, because it is over so quick. I'll miss Sylvia. XO

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