
Sunday, July 23, 2017

I've had a mental list of things that I have always wanted to do. Today it would be called a "bucket list," but I'm not really fond of that phrase. So far I have done the following:

1). Become an archaeologist.

2). Have a letter in the New York Times.

3). Have a book in the Library of Congress (to date, I have eight plus a book in which I have a chapter).

4). Go see the island of Santorini and visit the site of Thera. In 1972 my mother showed me a National Geographic article about the village, buried by a volcano, and that started me wanting to be an archaeologist.

5). Buy a house. I still owe $43,000 on it though.

6). Soon I will be seeing a total eclipse of the sun.

There are some things I haven't done yet.

A). Visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Oplontis.

B). Find out who were the parents of James Ransom and Ebenezer Fillmore.

C). Go to Africa and see elephants and rhinos in the wild.


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