
Monday, December 18, 2017

Every year I make my own cards, something I have been doing since 1992. This year the theme has mostly been snowmen. I told people on Facebook if they wanted a card to send me their address, and that resulted in probably eight people doing so. Otherwise, you send me a card, you get one in return.



I splurged and ordered my father's sister an Ancestry DNA kit. I am interested in finding out more about that side of the family.

Snowball is extra cuddly now that Puff is gone. Every night he lies next to me in bed, making my eyes water. He doesn't know it, but early next year he is going to get his teeth cleaned, I discovered a weird plaque buildup on one of his molars.

Snowball hates posing.

I put out the Campbell Kid dolls, my black GI Joe, my brother's blond GI Joe, Smokey, Goo-goo Ga-ga, and some dolls my mother knitted. 


The main tree has my vintage-looking ornaments.

This one reminds me of Joey.

Mother called and I asked her which of the Clawson sisters made the cardboard ornaments. She says it was Lillian.

The little Mexican tree is covered with ornaments from the presidio gift shop.

Pink tree with Mexican ornaments.

On Saturday night I worked Retro Game Show, At times very hectic, with a mad rush of people coming in. I am very efficient..

Tempest Du-Jour and audience members.

On Sunday I went to Michael and Matt's Solstice Party. The food, as always, was really good.

Homer and Mark.

Everyone should have a top hat.

Mark, Ed, and Fred.

And that night I sat on the couch with Buddy nearby watching the Sound of Music. I know most of the songs by heart. Buddy is happy to come in and sleep on the couch over night as the temperatures dip down to the 40s.

Happy Buddymas.

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