
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Several weeks. Moments of busy activities, followed by lengthy times of stress and sadness.

Jimbo came to visit. We went to watch bats but it started to rain.

Peter, Jimbo, and Homer.

We of course went to Rosa's for dinner. Jim enjoyed his food, I found that the quality of the cheese enchiladas had declined.


We also went to BK's where I enjoyed a pina colada.

Pina colada.

It was very hot. We went to naked pool volleyball, buy the pool was very hot and it was about 106 outside. We left a little early.

I headed north to Flagstaff to attend a conference. I have a new, larger tent that fits my new queen sized air mattress. I didn't think my talk was so great (it was better than the kiva as a corn dryer talk), but people complimented me on it.

New tent.

Supper was good. I hung out with Michael and his friends and got drunk on Lime Bud Lights.

Michael and Homer.

The monsoon has finally started at my house. Unexpectedly, a large toad showed up in the backyard. Ruby wanted to eat it so I put it into the neighbor's yard (they don't have a dog).


Ruby is being a brat. She keeps pooping in the house, moments after I have walked her outside. I yelled at her and then felt bad about it afterward.

The brat and Buddy Cat.

I had Greek food with Matt. It was tasty. He is swell.


I got new glasses two weeks ago and Ruby got up on my desk and chewed one of the pairs.

Only $29, thankfully.

I attended the 243rd Tucson Birthday Party. In my new outfit.

Homer and Jean.

The doctor told me no sugar, no carbs. I am too fat and have too many tryglycerides. SIGH.

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