
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Well, Russian hackers first hacked my Instagram account in October. Then last week is started happening over and over again. Finally on one day last week they did it seven times. I kept changing my password and doing everything Instagram suggested. Nothing worked. Finally it just disappeared. Who knows why some Russian assholes or bots targeted me.

Ruby is grown up. She and Snowball rarely get along, although once in a while Snowball lets Ruby sit next to him.

Homer, Snowball, and Ruby.

I didn't have to work much at Game Show this month, basically set up chairs. Peter took over my ushering duties. I got to sit in the audience with Matt and Robert. I had a good time. I wore my new striped pants!

Homer and Robert.

Today is Thanksgiving and I am home alone. Mother used to come around this time, but that is over. I'm trying not to be sad. Thanksgiving has never been a favorite holiday and this year it is rather depressing. But I do have something special to be thankful for.

I made myself a pecan pie, only the second time I have made one. Later on I am making parsnip and leek stuffing, and of course cheesy mashed potatoes. 

Pecan pie.

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